As you learn to speak German online you should strive for precision when communicating in German. Why? Because the German language is structured this way and if you omit this precision or details when speaking German, then an important part of your communication will be missing. This is especially important when using German verbs. Take care to choose the right verb for the right situation.
In English we just go places whereas in German you have to state HOW you are going to get to a place and use the appropriate verb for the appropriate situation. See the following examples:
I'm going to the bus stop.
Ich gehe zur Bushaltestelle. (gehen = to walk)
I'm going to Düsseldorf.
Ich fahre nach Düsseldorf. (fahren = to drive or ride in a vehicle)
I'm going to Greece.
Ich reise nach Griechenland. (reisen = to travel some distance for a period of time)
I'm going to Brazil.
Ich fliege nach Brasilien. (fliegen = to fly on an airplane)
Notice that using the right verb describes precisely HOW you are going to get to a particular place. Never assume that you can use the verb gehen in German as the same way you would use go in English. Because if you say "ich gehe nach Berlin" and you are over 500 km away in Munich then your German friend will think that you are walking 500 km to Berlin (and of course he/she will have a good laugh). Remembering to stay precise when you are expressing yourself in German will help you to learn to speak German online and not get quizzical looks or smirks from your German friends.
Learn to Speak German Online
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